Happy New Year!
Welcome to "Lil' Bit of Everythin' " where we write about a little bit of everything (yes, it's Southern spelled).
Hi, I'm Amanda, the main writer here. I have been gifted with this thirst for knowledge for as long as I can remember, combined with my hyper fixations on plenty of subjects, my research skills and actively trying these things have brought me great joy.
My partner in crime is Tyler. He is the handyman, the mechanic, the one doing the heavy lifting, literally. He has plenty of knowledge in welding, woodwork, and a lot more.
Through many trials and many more errors, our dream here is still only beginning.

What Made Me Start a Blog
For every fixation I have, I dig into every corner of the subject. My variety goes from arts and crafts to cooking to school research papers for world problems or local community help. I feel like it keeps me well rounded as well as something to do in my free time.
Through research for different topics and hobbies, I had to go to YouTube for the majority of my 'learning'. Though, my learning style is reading the material and hands-on, having a YouTube video wasn't enough for my brain.
So, I thought, "Why not start a blog that shows people how to do different hobbies?"
I first started realizing maybe a blog would be a good idea to help others (and maybe myself to share my ideas) when I had friends and friends of friends reaching out to me for ideas or advice on particular subjects. The first subject was simply how to research items for an informed decision on a political subject and then what art supplies are better for coloring on a model and, recently, how to be a freelancer (not experience, just research).
As I don't have much experience with each, I try. For instance, coloring on a model could be paints or pastels. I have tried both (my next 'try' will be airbrushing) and I prefer paints for quick, simple, one-and-done models. Pastels are mostly for detailing or gradient colors. For pastels (after shaving down to dust), use paint brushes, not makeup brushes (that was one mistake for me at the beginning). As makeup brushes do work, the paint brushes don't keep the pastel dust in the brush.
I love trying new things and creating my own ideas. I see other blogs do the same with their ideas, so why can't I? I love sharing and helping others. I'm more comfortable writing than talking so it helps!
Along with my love of learning, my love and true passion of writing is what actually brings me here. I've been wanting to get my writings out into the world with my own voice and what better way than a blog? People get to know my hobbies, my writing style, and me as a person behind the screen.
With this, I can bring other people like me or those interested in working with me together in a similar location—the love of learning.
There's always something to learn while writing as well.
What I Want This Space to Become
As this blog grows, I hope to sell the items my partner and I create out of my own website and promote our services. That's what any owner wishes for the site that they put so much time into. But most importantly, I want this space to be inviting for everyone, from beginners for learning to experts for their feedback in the comments. I am no expert on the things I post, just very inspired by everything. I must learn.
I must share. I must expand my knowledge.
Come join me on the journey of learning a little bit of everything from arts and crafts to cooking to mechanical stuff (I have a partner that can help with this) to whatever my heart desires.
For starters, what arts and crafts would you like to see?