Mixed Writings

Available Services
World Building Coach
Whether a short story or novel, your fictional world must be set and explored before diving into the main plot.
I will help you create your world from historical fiction to high fantasy.
Just need an extra eye? I can help you develop it too.
Editing and Proofreading
One more step towards publishing is editing and proofreading.
It is always a good idea to have another pair of eyes look over your work to make sure it is polished before it goes into the public domain.
Along with editing and proofreading, you get honest feedback on the plot, characters, and world as well as pointing out confusing aspects and plot holes.
Beta Reading
Everyone needs more reader insight on their story before finally being able to publish.
Being a beta reader is more than being a simple reader, I can help you find plot holes and identify aspects that seem to be missing or confusing.
Content Writing
Need help writing a blog? An accurate description? Or even a catchy social media sentence?
Writing is my passion. There is nothing else I'd rather do every day than to write.
You set the perimeters, I bring the best SEO writings for your personal use. Writings are personalized and never the same.
Book Reviews
As much as I love reading, book reviews can help an author appear to a bigger audience than anticipated.
Before you publish, I will read and write an honest review for you to publish on your book cover, website, as well as free advertising here on my blog.
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.